
This is much more than a tree. To me, this tree is a passion reaching its branches out into the unknown air of creativity. Emerging from the earth in which it was hidden. Emerging despite the pile of boulders that once concealed it.

I have spent years experimenting with photography attempting to find my niche. I was never satisfied with photographing scenes that provided no sense of purpose or direction. I needed something more, but a void stood between me and my passion. Over time it grew larger and eventually pushed me to a point of losing interest completely. 

My thoughtfulness and reflective nature have always driven my creativity, but I never thought those traits could work in harmony with my keen eye for photography. I would consider pursuing writing as a hobby but always dismissed it as unrealistic.

Until this week I had no idea I could combine my two creative passions under one art form. Therein lies my enthusiasm — extracting words and feelings from a single photograph and sparking a conversation between visuals and words. From now on I will allow my images to guide the thoughts and experiences I share, creating pieces that fascinate the eyes but also enamor the mind.

Thank you to everyone who has followed my journey thus far and I look forward to sharing the next chapter with you!


The Blur